I have had a long day. I’m so wiped out. Where’s your dad? Is he out? That sucks because usually he’s here to give me a foot massage, and on days like today, I really need one to relax. Would you like to give me a foot massage? I would really appreciate it. Thanks so much. Hmm, that feels so nice. You have really strong hands. You don’t have to hold my feet that close to your face. They’ve been in my heels all day and I know they smell all sweaty. All right well if you don’t mind I don’t. Hmm, that feels really nice. Ok, now massage this one. Are you sniffing my sweaty feet? You have your nose right next to my foot. Is that a hard-on in your pants? Jesus, so… you’re a pervert. Don’t get all embarrassed your father is the same way. Why do you think he gives me a foot massage every day when I get home from work? He loves to feel my pantyhose and inhale the scent of my sweaty feet. It makes his dick hard too. And just like your father, I can see that you have a tiny dick too. Pull it out. Yes, I’m serious. You see my scent has enslaved your father and his tiny dick and now it’s going to enslave you and your tiny dick. So pull the little guy out. My God! I thought you would at least be a bit bigger than him. But no, your sad, pathetic little nub is just as disappointing as his. Put your perverted nose right up against my foot. Inhale and stroke. I own you now. I own you both. You know the two “men” in this house are the biggest bitches I’ve ever met. Wow, you’re about to cum. I didn’t think it was possible for someone to prematurely ejaculate quicker than your loser father but you’re going to do it. STOP! Do you want to be my pantyhose, foot sniffing slave? Yes? I know you do. But to be my slave you have to do something that I just can’t get enough of watching a man do. You’re going to eat your cum when you finish, or I’ll never let you near my pantyhose covered feet again, you tiny dicked little pervert.
CEI, Femdom, Femdom POV, Foot Fetish, Foot Smelling, Foot Worship, Humiliation, Pantyhose Domination, Small Penis Humiliation, Verbal Humiliation
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