Get on your knees and worship mommy’s perfect legs and feet while I prepare you to be my cuck tonight on my date. this is you’re first chance ever cucking for me and I have to teach you exactly how to behave.
You’ve always had a fetish for feet. Especially your mother’s feet! She always notices you staring at her bare feet around the house and one day while she’s lounging in her chair she decides to confront you about it. You are surprised by how understanding and motherly she is about your foot fetish. She admits that she’s even a little turned on by how much you like her feet. It’s your lucky day! Mother is feeling super horny and she promises you that she will only do a self foot worship show for you. However, your hard cock is making her pussy wet and she breaks her promise. She tells you to fuck her hard in the pussy and ass! She can’t take it anymore and finally squirts (pee) on you! *Note* All sex scenes in this video is simulated only.
Your Pops and I just recently got married, making me your STEPMOTHER! He loves me so much and I love everything he has to offer me, almost like this was meant to be. Unfortunately you don’t seem to support this marriage as much as everyone else… Like you didn’t even get us a wedding gift!!! (which is just bad manners). Look, I know this is probably hard for you getting a new step-mom at this stage in your life, but you must treat me with the respect that I deserve. Perhaps we can clear the air… instead of going out and BUYING me a gift, you can give me a different kind of present instead. (something that your sperm donor is unable to do since he isn’t around)… NO YOU IDIOT, I want you to worship my feet! That’s right, I just LOVE having them licked and massaged, and since my husband isn’t here to do that for me you can take his place. Well don’t look so concerned… this will be our little secret, and I will make sure to say good things about you to him. Besides, don’t you think its a good idea to please the woman that will inherit all that fortune. You will have absolutely NOTHING when he is gone, so I would think twice before turning down this opportunity. Mmmmmm see how good this feels…? It looks like you’re enjoying this almost as much as I am, I think I know just how to fix that….. why don’t you run upstairs and grab a chastity cage out of pop’s night stand, I am going to lock you up and hold the key. Mhmmmmm, your step-mother is going to be your key-holder! LOL
There you are, my little foot freak! All kneeled down before Step-Mommy like the good worshipper you are. You look so pretty down there with your hands tied behind your back. I want you to worship my pretty size 11 feet with your mouth while I tease your cock with them. I might eventually let you untie yourself and stroke! But only if you do a very good job with that sweet mouth of yours first.
Czesc …, nie zauwazylam Cie.(mowi neutralnie odwracajac na chwile wzrok od laptopa albo jakichs papierow, jest zajeta) Zamowimy dzisiaj pizze, popatrz nawet sie nie zdazylam przebrac, musze cos dokonczyc (po chwili osoba 3 sciaga jej jeden klapek – widoczna tylko reka). Hej, co Ty sobie wyobrazasz, oddawaj to, slyszysz mnie? (wzdycha) Nie mam sily do Ciebie (wraca do pracy) [dalej kolysze klapkiem stukajac o podeszwe stopy, sciagniety zostal ten dolny] (po chwili osoba 3 sciaga jej drugi klapek – widoczna tylko reka) No dobra … (zdenerwowana), chcesz zebym powiedziala wszystko twojemu …? Twoje zachowanie jest absolutnie nie do zaakceptowania. Wynocha stad, nie chce Cie widziec.(wraca do pracy) [stopy skrzyzowane ale nie ruszaja sie za duzo, mozna za to palce u stop troche rostpowac od siebie] (po kilkunastu sekundach odwraca wzrok od komputera patrzy sie przez chwile zastanowiona) Czy Ty, gapisz sie na moje…Stopy W Rajstopach! (glosniej, z oburzeniem) (odklada laptopa/papiery tak aby jej nie zaslanial) Na prawde…Czy musisz byc az tak zalosny ze podniecaja cie stopy wlasnej …? Czy mozesz mi wytlumaczyc to zachowanie? (patrzy w mileczniu ze znienawidzeniem ). Dosc tego! jak przyjdzie … wszystko mu powiem! (patrzy dalej zadenerwowana w milczeniu, rece oddaja jej klapki ktore bardzo powoli i bardzo seksowny sposob zaklada) Teraz placz jak baba, mnie to nie obchodzi. (znowu stuka klapkiem o podeszwe stopy) (po kilkunastu sekundach wciaz ma chlodna i zbulwesrowana twarz) Na prawde az tak szalejesz na punkcie moich stop? (lapie sie za glowe z gescie z sama soba, wzdycha) No, na co czekasz? Sciagaj je (wskazujac na klapki) chyba chciales popatrzec na moje Stopy W Rajstopach (mowiac glosniej donosniej) (rece bardzo szybko sciagaja ponownie klapki) Nie wiedzialam ze stopy w rajstopach moga wywolac u … takie silne podniecenie! (patrzy w kat pokoju albo na zegarek, z przerazeniem w oczach) O nie! Teraz jak przyjdzie … na prawde ! Szybko! Nie mamy wyboru! Musisz to jakos rozladowac. Zacznij sie masturbowac do stopek w rajstopach Weroniki! Mozesz…nawet sie na nie spuscic, nie martw sie nic mu nie powiem.(z szelmowskim usmieszkiem) No … skup sie! stopy Weroniki sa do Twojej dyspozycji! Powtorze to jeszcze raz! Chce zebys spuscil sie na moje stopy w rajstopach! Zalej moje stopki swoim goracym nasieniem …! No dalej …, Stopy W Rajstopach Weroniki czekaja na twoja sperme! Wiem ze zawsze pragnales moich Stop W Rajstopach! O tak, widze ze jestes juz blisko, spusc sie na moje stopy …! Stopy Weroniki… stopy Weroniki…stopy Weroniki w rajstopach! Smialo …! Stopy…stopy…stopy (finisz podobny jak w poprzednich klipach przyspieszajac tepo i zwiekszajac glosnosc kolo minuty) Chcialbym aby w trakcie tego facet sie spuscil na spody Twoich stop i Zeby bylo to widoczne w tym ujeciu, jesli jest to technicznie mozliwe, jesli nie, to mozna zmienic ujecie ale chcialbym zeby caly czas byla widoczna Twoja twarz z wyrazem satysfakcji w kierunku kamery. Potem wracamy do ujecia 4. (Juz z ubrudzonymi wyeksponowanymi stopami) Ty naiwniaku…przeciez wiesz ze Cie nienawidze! Nigdy bezinteresownie nie pozwolilabym Ci na cos tak obrzydliwego! Teraz juz na pewno … wyrzuci Cie z domu. Dla tych paru sekund przyjemnosci zniszczyles sobie cale zycie. Jak mozna byc az tak slabym… Gardze toba i twoja sperma. [Krzyzuje nogi i znowu rozszerza palcami rajstopy] Teraz musze tylko wytrzymac z ta sperma na stopach az przyjdzie Twoj … i mu opowiedziec o tym jakim jestes … Zejdz mi z oczu, … (bierze, laptopa/gazete spowrotem po kilkunastu sekundach ekran sie sciemnia)
I know you absolutely love my natural nails so that is why I made this video just for you and I tell you exactly how I want you to jerk off to them with a countdown at the end.
Your roommates step-mom is in your dorm making the bed, the two of you are all alone, and you can’t help but stare, she is young and gorgeous and … well she catches you making eyes at her and knows exactly what to do with boys like you. Your roommates step-mommy will teach you exactly how to rub her feet, just the way she likes, before making you use your mouth on her high arched footsies and those cute little toes. You’re going to be a good little foot boy for your roommates step-mom!
Look at what we have here. You’re going through my nylon drawer! I was suspicious when I found my drawers all messy the other day, so I came home early. What are you doing with my nylons? Are you sniffing them? Rubbing them on yourself? What a pervert. As your Step-Aunt, I must punish you. Since you’re so interested in my nylons, why don’t you put them on? I’ve got these cute pink ones. Is that humiliating? I’m sure it is. This is what you get when you go sneaking through someone else’s belongings. I might just make you do some more embarrassing things before your punishment is over.
Salma raised her stepdaughter to such an extent that she lost her own will. All chloe has the right to do is clean the house, cook food and lick the sweat off her stepmother’s feet. When Salma returns home, chloe is required to kneel in front of the door and greet her. “Hello stepmom.. my Mistress!” – chloe greets her stepmother and kisses her hands and feet. Salma takes chloe by the hair and leads into the room.. “You know that my feet are sweating in these sandals! You know what you need to do.” – Said Salma and put her feet on the stand. chloe began to lick the sweat off her stepmother’s feet while Salma relaxed. Sometimes Salma told her stepdaughter that she was a complete loser and for the rest of her pathetic life she would lick the sweat off her feet.