The ad said that this new and improved formulation was guaranteed. You couldn’t believe it, and even more than that, you couldn’t believe you were falling for it, spending $100 on a so-called “truth serum.”
The website–also dubious–said that the serum helped to “transport the taker” back to the time you wished to question them about, putting them in their past self, in a way. Perfect for you purposes: getting your mother to finally tell you about her past, and about your dad.
She’s been so closed-off about it, although you hounded her for years to tell you. She swore she knew who your father was, but that it was all part of her “past” and now that she’s found her Lord and Personal Savior, Jesus Christ, she doesn’t want to go down that road.
So you slip it into her water. You know she never finishes a full glass so you double-dose, although the label says that “excessive doses can result in regression,” whatever that means.
You quickly learn what that means: your mother has been entirely transported, regressed back to the time you were asking about–the time she was finally being honest about!! And god, what a fucking past it was! You had no idea your mother was such a wanton, insatiable cum slut. You had no idea she was so slutty, so willing to fuck anyone who so much as smiled at her. And yknow what? She actually thinks you’re pretty cute…and sort of familiar, too…
Bettie Bond is a small-time content creator, making content about the paranormal mostly. Every year, she does something big for Halloween, a stream with some spooky theme.
This year? She’s going to conduct a seance to raise the spirit of a girl who supposedly haunts her apartment complex. Of course, she’s a huge skeptic, so she doesn’t mind doing it solo–despite the explicit rules of the Ouija board she’s got out for the stream.
It starts out corny and fun: everyone in the chat is pretty sure she’s faking it, moving the planchette herself. But then things start to get a little dirty: the ghost…demon…whatever it is!…keeps spelling out certain dirty phrases: cum in me, cum for me, jizz in me. What?! Bettie has always been firm about not doing adult stuff–no OF for her!–so watchers are a little puzzled as they watch her start to get nervous, trying to stop the seance but failing, and instead, starting to get even dirtier!
The site she streams on is strictly SFW but, seemingly against her will, she starts to strip! Some of her faithful watchers try to report it to the mods but they’re notoriously slow, and the watcher count just climbs and climbs as Bettie, back and forth between possession and her desperate, embarassed self, starts to use her seance candles in interesting ways! Dripping wax, sliding them inside herself…all while watchers speculate: is it real, is it fake? Does anyone even care, just jerk while you can, before it gets taken down!!
In moments of lucidity, Bettie begs for someone to get the stream taken down, for her faithful fans to forgive her for the lustful, filthy things she’s saying and doing. Begging for everyone to jerk to her, to cum to her, begging them all to “give her power” with their seed!!
Your friends have all been talking about this crazy concotion: Dumb Slut Juice. Its four parts of this, two parts of that…all combined to make any woman who takes it an insatiable slut, incapable of concealing their deepest, darkest desires. Of course, all your friends have used it…at home…first. So to speak. I mean, what hotblded American boy doesn’t love a MILF willing to finally tell the truth about how the feel regarding the virile young men in their lives?
You found the ad in the back of a comic book: Dr. Stupefy’s Magick Powder! Imbue it with any number of spells, and place on a special item worn near your target’s heart…then sit back and watch the magic work! It’s perfect. You’ve been looking at old photos of your mom, from before you were born, and you can’t help it…you just…well, you’ve been jerking off to them. She was so wild! So hot and free spirited. A far, far cry from the buttoned up religious freak she is now. You wish she’d just let go. Loosen up a bit. So. You get the powder. You wait for the right time–her birthday–and then you charge the powder with your spell, and sprinkle it on her gift: a necklace. A heart, with “mom” inside. You want this to work so bad, but if you’re being honest? It’s probably just a bunch of hocus pocus. When her birthday rolls around, you’re so eager to give her the gift, that little hope inside you waiting for the change as she thanks you, reads her card, smiles at you…puts the necklace on…and…gets a migraine. Well, that’s no good. Oh well. At least she liked the present! And you two will still have your normal birthday celebration: movie, pizza, couch snuggles. She’s just going to rest off the headache. But when she wakes up and comes out to the living room, she’s…well. It worked! She’s wearing super slutty clothes and…oh, my god, she’s not wearing panties! This is amazing! Only, she doesn’t want to stay in tonight. She’s going out with friends. Old friends. Oh, god, what did you bring out?? When she gets home, she wakes you up, crawling all over you, telling you she wants to show you something. What is it? Fifteen loads, plugged inside her pussy! You really did revert her to her old self: a total, complete, unrepentent slut! The things she says to you, you could never ever have imagined! She slides your cock inside her cum filled cunt, telling you all about the things she’s done, the cocks she fucked…all the guys in town can have her whenever they please. Even you…
Your mother has always been overly attached. You being her only son, and dad leaving so early on, it was always just you two. Even so, her level of interest and involvement in you has become a little much as you’ve grown older. Every girlfriend you’ve had has mentioned it: your mom is really clingy, you two are too close, she needs to cut the apron strings. You don’t totally disagree but…she’s your mom. You love her. Lately, though (especially since that unfortunate incident where you accidentally sent some photos to her instead of your girlfriend), she’s been even more insistent on you coming to spend time with her. So you make the drive up after work one night. It’s not too far, but she still insists you have some coffee for your drive home, since you refuse her offers to spend the night. But the coffee doesn’t do much to perk you up…in fact, it makes you feel even more drowsy. So tired. God, you can’t keep your eyes open…you’ll just rest on the couch for a bit, wake up rested, and head home…only when you wake up, you feel…so weird. Groggy and…god, you can’t move and…oh, my god, that…your…cock…oh my god, your cock is in her…oh, god…what’s happening? Why can’t you move?? Mommy finally has you where she wants you: right below her, unable to move, hard as a rock…and, she says, you won’t remember any of it…unless you want to. Its her special cocktail, she tells you, purchased on the dark web. A combo that will keep you compliant and hard, just for her. What mommy has always wanted!
Your mom is desperate to get some good rest. She’s always had issues with insomnia, but lately its been really bad. So you’re not too surprised when she turns to some social media promoted wellness cure. All this telemedicine stuff is getting pretty ubiquitous. You are kinda surprised and amused when she asks you to hang out with her the night she gets it in the mail. “There’s some stories out there,” she tells you, “about the side effects. I just want someone around to make sure I don’t somnambulate or somndriveacar!” you laugh, thinking it’ll be like old times: popcorn, movie, on the couch. But its nothing like when you were young. Once she conks out, less than an hour into a movie, you notice she’s squirming a lot. Actually, its not really squirming. She’s…touching herself? Oh my god! She’s humping the couch, and her face is…well…its right next to your cock. Your cock, that is unbelievably hard right now, with her hot breath against it. She’s moving her hands around you, trying to…holy fuck, she’s pulling your cock out! She must not be awake, you think, but then she starts to suck you. Her eyes are half-open, and her voice is deep, breathy. She tells you she’s been wanting this for years, that she’s been thinking about your cock since your freshman year…Jesus Christ, you should stop this but her mouth feels like heaven, and you really aren’t sure if she is…god, what does it matter? She keeps weaving in and out, coming to before falling off again, every time immediately starting to suck or…oh god, fuck…you don’t think you’re going to be able to hold off if she keeps saying all these things…about the side effects, about how she’d hoped for this…you’re going to cum inside her!
You finally got it: the ControFemme 3000 control remote, now with gagging mode! You’re so excited, especially when you see that dad left you and mom alone, and you can try it out on her. She’s so hot, god, you don’t even care she’s your mom, all you want to see is her gagging on your cock, drooling and spitting all over her tits! Of course, you didn’t think about the fact that the remote is technically still in beta. But wen it starts to overheat, flashing a warning and making weird beeping sounds, you can’t stop it–mom’s mouth just feels too fucking good to stop. You can see it start to fail, your mom’s real personality shining through for brief moments…which honestly, is even hotter! seeing her eyes flash with the realization that her son’s hog is jammed down her throat, and then the further realization that she’s so fucking wet from it–god, its hotter than you even imagined! Before you know it, though, the whole thing has had a massive malfunction and, well…mom is stuck! There’s no getting this thing to turn back on, and no changing mom back to her regular demure self–she’s forever going to be a deep sucking slut!
Dressed in workout clothes, MoRina spots her son coming up the stairs from the basement, where he spends way too much time geeking out with his crazy inventions. He says he made a remote that pauses people and she dismisses the idea and tells him to get out more. Then he freezes her! After a couple freezes she starts believing that this remote has some serious power but she wants to take it away before he does something stupid. Stop right there, lady… he’s about to re-program her and become her master!
You’ve been using your self-modified remote control device for the past year to freeze, control and use your mom. She knows exactly what you’ve been doing, but instead of demanding you not use it again, she wants you to ONLY use it on her! She’s afraid you’ll use it on the wrong person and get yourself into trouble. To protect you, she’s willing to let you completely mesmerize, freeze and control her as you wish! Mom is awesome!