Honey, we need to have a talk. No you’re not in trouble. Listen, I took a look at your computer and google search history. I was shocked to find quite a bit of mommy/son themed porn. Do you understand that is it wrong to think about your own mother sexually? Oh sweetie, it’s okay mom is here. Look at you now, your peepee is so hard and your all worked up. Here, mommy will help you…

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I’ve been waiting for you to come home from the party. You didn’t give it to your girlfriend? Just like we talked? Good boy! You know how much I cherish this tradition of ours in which you give me the first load of the year! Yes! I want it! Mmmm! You’re licking my tits and pussy so good! Take me! Yes! Oh, fuck your cock feels so so good! Yeaaah! Cum in me and get me pregnant!

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