You walk in to see Step-Mom cleaning with no panties and a short skirt. She usually at least has panties on and now you can’t hide your erection any longer. You tell your Mom why your face is red, you’re embarrassed because of your erection. She feels terrible when you tell her that it’s her outfits and that you tried to look away but that it is her fault. Step-Mom feels so bad that she tells you that you need to masturbate to feel better and get the erection to go down. You ask if she can help by letting you look at her posing for you and she reluctantly agrees as she knows now that she should have dressed more appropriate in front of you. Back in Mom’s room she is deciding whether to go through with this and begins to dance in her lingerie and then you come in and talk her into helping you since you’ve never seen a real girl naked before. You ask Mom to pose, and then show her boobs, then pussy, then ass. You tell her you want to touch her pussy with your dick and she then agrees but before you know it, you are fucking Mom doggy style and then ask her to ride your dick like the girls do in porn films. You ask Mom if you can cum inside of her and she tells you that it’s already gone too far and this will be the first and last time! Bonus Rosie scene at the end – long toy session and real orgasm. Hey I get horny filming lol!
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