I know my Mom didn’t give me birth but she is amazing, I would do anything for her. I have noticed her attitude has been really down lately, I ask her what’s wrong and she just tells me all her problems. I know my Dad hasn’t been the greatest to her lately either. I let her know I am here for her and I will help her with anything, she tells me she is gonna go lay down. A few minutes later I decide I should check on her, make sure she was doing ok. I thought I heard something but when I walked in I can not believe I found her playing with her vibrator. I was in shock, she tells me to sit down. I can’t believe my Mom was just pleasuring herself, she is acting like everything is cool. Even though I was in shock my cock was raging hard I always thought she was hot. My Mom has the biggest tits and I always wanted to play with them, I guess now is my chance. I fuck my hot Mom with my big dick, I just wanna make her feel better…

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I have been really slacking off while my Mom has been out of town, she really is my step-mom and is being really cool letting me stay there. She got back from her business trip a little early and I had no time to clean up the mess me and my puppy have done to her place while she was gone. I am in deep trouble and I know it by the way she yelled from the other room. I try to give her every excuse in the book but she is not having it. My mom tells me if I am gonna make it up to her I am gonna have to work and fuck her at first I am in shock but I quickly start to enjoy it, I gotta admit I always wanted to fuck my Mom.


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A MILF like Casca Akashova knows exactly what she is doing when she walks around with her huge jugs bouncing underneath her blouse. Things have been rough between she and her husband, so she is getting more and more aroused by the idea of getting down and dirty with her stepson. She lets her super fat titties hang out of her dress and bounce as she rides his big dick. Then, she lays back and lets him penetrate her drenched MILF pussy while she moans in orgasmic euphoria. No matter what the situation, Casca always looks great getting pounded by her stepsons hard dick! And with a stepmom who looks like her, you cannot blame this guy for jumping on the opportunity…

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