It didn’t take too long for you to slip up. Your own Mother has found all the evidence of your interest in Mommy porn. Instead of disciplining you, she wants to help in some way – she needs you to relieve that and move on so that it’s less awkward between you two.
And how does she do this? Mom has found a doppelganger – her own! She claims that the woman looks nearly identical to her, just with a bit “crazier, longer, darker, frizzier hair” and no glasses – but nearly identical! And she has invited this woman over to finally resolve this issue – your interest in fucking your own Mother. Indeed, this woman has agreed to help! She will come over and FUCK YOU! This will totally make things less awkward in Mom’s head. What do you think?
This clip starts off with the doppelganger arriving. It’s… uncanny! They really do look so similar! It’s so strange. So HOT. You’re ALLOWED to get hot and horny over this woman, she isn’t your actual Mother. How exciting! She brings it up often though and checks in with you… like, “don’t worry, I’m not your REAL Mom…”
I mean, you’d recognize your own Mom.
… Right?
This is your encounter with Mom’s doppelganger. For the full-length clip, including the buildup and discussion with your Mother, go here: Mom’s Doppelganger
Download Files :
Ivy Starshyne – Meeting The Doppelganger.mp4