This is my fault… This is my fault that you have become like that. You have become a worthless bad person… But today we will solve this together, my boy… You have become too big trouble my boy, you are a bad bad brat… I feel so ashamed as your mommy. This is why i had to use an electric shocker to make you rest a little… And now you are awake , but tied to a chair… You don’t have to worry about the cops, i have already told that you are not available to continue your life here because we are about to move… So all your friends, teachers even your boss thinks that you are just suddenly moved because of my job… I have already sold the flat as well… I have to solve this and erase my mistake. Since you are a part of my body, you will become a part of my body again! I will eat you my boy slowly… I will eat from your flesh every day until you will be gone! Haha! But i want to be sure that you will stay with me, to follow the whole process as i make you disappear inside my belly… You have to go back inside mommy’s belly, so that way i can purify you…
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